Men's Expectations Involving Toxic Masculinities By Camryn Lutz
There are many different photographs that I have come across while searching for a photo that represent masculinity in college age boys but this specific one caught my attention for a couple different reasons. I feel like in college there are specific expectations that boys are “supposed” to meet. For instance I feel like one of the expectations is that boys can't cry or be sad. This picture shows a boy with the words “Man Up” on his forehead. If you look at the boys face you can tell that he's not happy whatsoever. He looks like he has feelings and I feel like for boys in college that is not technically acceptable. I feel like there is a stereotype that surrounds college age boys. They aren't supposed to be sad, they are disrespectful towards girls or anyone they consider to be below them, and they are dominant or in control. I for one know that all of these things do not happen on college campuses. When these things go a different way than planned that is wh...