Aggression Plus Alcohol Equals A Problem By Erin Mangan
Does “toxic” masculinity apply to all men in college? Of course not. This article provides many examples of how fraternities lose members due to the “alpha” man stereotypes. In the article “Fraternities’ problem isn’t the partying—it’s the toxic masculinity at their core” it is noted that excessive partying, sexual questions/conversations and harassment are considered “normal” in some male Greek life on campuses around the country. Peer pressure in the consumption of alcohol is a slippery slope that often leads to life and death situations. Every year there are news articles on student deaths due to hazing, tragic losses due to a hyper-masculine aggression and peer pressure. It puts into perspective the fear young female students have walking around campus, knowing that drunken aggressors could appear any minute. In Beneke (1982), the article discusses how the night impedes on woman's lives due to fear of sexual assault/harassment. Women are forced to change their schedule around walking alone at night. How are female students suppose to feel safe with allegations of sexual assault occur every school year? Grouping students with large amounts of alcohol and equal amounts of aggression is not a safe mix. It is harmful to the safety of all students and the reputation of male student population as a whole.
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