College Students Opinions on Toxic Masculinity By Camryn Lutz
Toxic masculinity has a huge effect on college students in my opinion. This video shows a girl who is at the university of Georgetown. During the video she goes around asking random students their opinion on toxic masculinity. She asks what students think and she asks people to describe toxic masculinity using two words. Most of the women who answer the first question have a huge problem with the topic and think that there needs to be work done to improve toxic masculinities on college campuses. When the second question was asked to the girls there is a slight pause, many of them didn't know how to describe it. Most of the men who answered question one really didn't see much of a problem with the topic and didn't know how to answer question 2 either. As you can see this video shows how girls on college campuses feel VS how boys on college campuses feel about toxic masculinities. The girls in the video talk about how they feel sexualized by the boys who “walk around with their chests puffed up acting like they own the place and all the people there”. Even one of the boys in the video explains that the only words he could use to describe toxic masculinity were dominance and having to meet certain expectations.
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